Terms and Conditions


The Terms and Conditions mentioned herein below are applicable to the use of this website namely, https://www.ikigaiasset.com. By using this site the user accepts all the terms of usage of this site and agrees to be indisputably bound by all such terms and conditions.

In terms of the information Technology Act, 2000 (as amended from time to time), this document is an electronic record. By accessing the Website and availing for facilities on the Website, the users agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, the legal disclaimer (‘Legal Disclaimer’) and the Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”), as posted on the Website.

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Legal Disclaimer

The information contained on this website is intended for information purposes only. The information and material contained on this website should not be regarded as any form of solicitation, advice, recommendation or suggestion, to buy or sell any mutual fund units, securities or any other financial instruments or product of IKIGAI or any other issuer. It shall be the sole responsibility of the User of this Site to verify whether the usage of this Site and/or availing the services/facilities/products is in conformity with the applicable laws in their respective jurisdictions

The Site displays information relating to the schemes/services/ products offered by IKIGAI ASSET MANAGER HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED.The recommendations and reviews do not guarantee fund performance, nor should they be viewed as an assessment of a fund’s, or the fund’s underlying securities’ creditworthiness.

Information on this website may be updated at any time without prior notice. The information including opinions, if any, contained on the Website may have been obtained from public sources believed to be reliable and numerous factors may affect the information provided, which may or may not have been taken into account. The information provided may therefore vary from information obtained from other sources or other market participants. The information contained herein has been prepared to assist the users in making their own evaluation and does not intend to contain all of the information that users may desire.

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Scheme Related Documents

The users may access product related documents on the website which contains the necessary information about the products offered by IKIGAI.


Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, shall held IKIGAI ASSET MANAGER HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED, its directors, employees, agents, service providers be liable for any consequential damages and / or losses that are alleged to have resulted from the use / access and / or inability to use / access this site or information contained therein, even if IKIGAI has been notified of the possibilities of potential damages or losses.

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While the site may be updated with changes periodically, IKIGAI does not guarantee that this site reflects the latest amendments/information at all times or at any time. However, sincere efforts in such direction will be undertaken by IKIGAI for the same.

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The terms and conditions are also largely dependent on the prevalent statutory regulations and the local conditions in the States. As such, they may also vary from time to time
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The use of the Site may involve the transmission of information, including personally identifiable data about the User. By the use of this Site, the User consents to the transmission of such information by electronic means to third parties.

Ikigai Asset Manager Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
IKIGAI Asset Manager Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
1008, A Wing, Samrudhi Premises Co-op. Society Ltd. (Formerly known as INS Tower),
CTS. No. 4207, Bandra Kurla Complex,
G-Block, Bandra East,
Mumbai - 400051
  • Category III Alternate Investment Fund (AIF)
  • Name of the AIF: IKIGAI Asset Holdings Investment Trust
  • SEBI Registration No. of AIF: IN/AIF3/23-24/1461
  • Name of the Scheme: IKIGAI Emerging Equity Fund
  • Name of the Investment Manager: IKIGAI Asset Manager Holdings Private Limited

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